Xiang Bai Nian Furniture News Children's Home Market Enters the Mature Period of Solid Wood Furniture

Xiang Bainian Furniture News News Children's furniture has been developed in China for more than ten years. Today, children's furniture companies have already passed the initial panic period, and now they are maturing from product positioning to technology. According to industry insiders, solid wood children's furniture is being loved by more and more consumers in recent days, and has quickly become the new favorite of the children's furniture market.


Children's furniture market is entering maturity

More than a decade ago, influenced by foreign children's furniture brands, some domestic furniture brands began to develop their own children's furniture brands. Although China's children's furniture started late, it has great potential. According to the survey, there are more than 300 million children under the age of 16 in China, accounting for about a quarter of the national population. However, the proportion of children's furniture in the home market is only about 5%, so the children's furniture market is no different from a gold mine yet to be mined.

However, at the same time of vigorous development, the problems of unreasonable children's furniture design and environmental protection are not exposed. So in 2012, the new national standard for children's furniture was officially introduced and implemented. In the past three years, the implementation of the new national standard has been an upgrade and innovation of the industry for the children's furniture market.

The implementation of the new national standard has given the children's furniture market a relatively sound and unified industry standard, ending the chaotic era of children's furniture. A senior industry official said that the introduction of the new national standard has also triggered changes in the structure and materials of children's furniture products. The paint on the surface of the furniture has been changed from oily paint to more environmentally friendly waterborne wood lacquer, which will be designed with straight edges at right angles. It has been changed to a rounded corner design with venting holes in the sealed space of the closet.

Solid wood children's furniture has become a new favorite

Now, it has been three years since the implementation of the new standard. However, it is understood that after the baptism of the new national standard, there are still cases of unqualified children's furniture on the market, among which the two are most common in terms of excessive formaldehyde and low safety performance of furniture structure.

Some consumers now lack an objective understanding of panel-type children's furniture, and because of the problems of individual companies, they choose to keep all the board-type children's furniture out. A person in charge of a children's furniture company said that in fact, solid wood furniture will also use adhesives during the production and installation process. The environmental protection factor of the product is not directly related to the material of the product. At the same time, he said that compared with a decade ago, today's children's furniture manufacturers have made great progress in both the control of materials and the design and development of products, so whether it is solid wood children's furniture or plate-type children's furniture, as long as it is Consumers can use it with confidence in products that meet the new national standards.

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