Strawberry seedlings, you must master these four points!

    In order to ensure the quality of new strawberry seedlings, the following issues should be noted during the breeding process:


Pay attention to cultivating weeding


The strawberry mother seedlings entered the rainy season shortly after planting. The rainy season is the season with the most rain in the year and is also the strong season for weed growth.


Therefore, when carrying out strawberry seedling breeding, we must do a good job of weeding, in order to prevent the occurrence of grass and eating seeds.


Pay attention to soil moisture


Strawberry seedlings are carried out from the stolons that are planted on the mother plants. Whether the stems can be rooted and laid down in a timely manner has a great relationship with the soil moisture of the nursery. The soil moisture is beneficial to the roots.


Although the strawberry breeding season is in the rainy season, it is also the season with high temperature. The soil loses water quickly. If there is continuous high temperature and less rain for more than 10 days, the soil will be dry, affecting the pumping and lowering of the stolon. Therefore, the nursery must pay attention to maintaining soil moisture.


Frequently remove disease, old, residual leaves, and timely remove the inflorescence on the mother plant


In the process of strawberry breeding, old leaves and diseased leaves will continue to appear. The production of these diseases, old and residual leaves will provide great convenience for the occurrence and development of strawberry pests and diseases. If they are not cleaned up in time, they will cause pests and diseases of nursery. Big happens.


In addition, the female seedlings will also produce new inflorescences during the growth process, which consumes plant nutrients, which is not conducive to seedlings, so it should be removed in time to increase the reproduction rate.


Timely topdressing


Adequate nutrition is the root of the continuous reproduction of strawberry maternal, so in the process of strawberry seedling breeding, it is necessary to continuously supplement the fertilizer to meet the nutrients needed for strawberry seedlings. On the basis of enough base fertilizer on, at the end of July topdressing fertilizer twice, the first time in about July 10, acres of topdressing diammonium phosphate, urea (2: 1) mixed fertilizer 15 to 20 kg, the second 7 end views, mu chase nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium (15: 15: 15) 15 ~ 20 kg fertilizer.



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